Time is so limited for creating any artwork.
I finally managed to get the Sculpy project started today. It's been sitting on my art table for weeks now so I just plunged myself to work. This is just an outline and I plan on working in some details with my carving tools.

A little difficult to see at this stage, but they will evolve beautifully from here.

I'm excited to get more work done on these.
Nobody told me it would be easy to work at home and take care of my Toot. This has been the challenge. This is when I say the Serenity Prayer. Will I have the wisdom to know the difference? What's my next step when it comes to my art? I've downsized my creative space to a table top. The easel is folded up and gathering dust. I've not sold anything on Etsy in months. What's the next step?

Well, right now, the next step is to take care of my Toot who caught a cold this weekend. She's asleep on my lap as I type this. I just happened to have my camera in front of me to illustrate my point. Look at me, I'm multitasking!