Woke up this morning to take a CPR class for Tots at a near by community hospital. They had the baby dummies to practice on. The instructor reassured everyone that the dolls had all been sterilized....I should hope so. I want one now. This would be a great toy to practice on here at home. They had one black baby too. I wondered when they will have all the nationalities represented. Or maybe different colors - Blue, Green, Hot Pink, Purple. Anyway, I'm digressing. I paid $15 dollars for 3 hour class that focused on infant CPR! This was frustrating and gave the class a not so great rating because of this. Why did they name the class "Tot CPR" if they were only going to spend 5 minutes on the subject. Literally 5 minutes.
So, when I got home I went online and bought my little one a convertible car seat because she is getting big for her rear facing one. This was one thing I did get out of the class. A reminder and a push to get the Itty her bigger car seat. Safety!
The frog has nothing to do with this post. I just like it.