Sunday, November 30, 2008
30 Day Notice and Disneyland
Monday, November 24, 2008
Brussel Sprouts for Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Pigeon Dude
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Did it myself: Furniture Repair
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Pigeons Wait
Friday, November 7, 2008
Joselito - Abuelita
I dedicate this video to Manglor and our Mom.
I'm a big crier when it comes to music that reminds me of my mother. This reminded me of the bond my mother and my nephew always had. He probably doesn't like hearing it, but he did have a striking resemblance to Joselito.
I've already had my good cry while I watched this video.
I get a little bluesy when the holidays come. My mother always got the whole family together for Thanksgiving and Christmas. She cooked and cooked for days because she loved cooking. She fed everyone and anyone who didn't have a place to go for the holidays. Every year I helped her with the cooking and cleaning of our home to welcome everyone. I didn't realize back then how much she was giving me. Today I can't seem to enjoy the holidays as much as I did when my mother was alive. I wish I had the room in our home to continue her gift for everyone. I have many good memories of her and I'll never forget what love is.
I love you Mom.
Finished - She's Serious
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Steps 1 and 2 of " She's Serious"
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The day is finally here!
I have voted and I took my big sister to vote. No provisional ballots for us! We want our votes to count.
We had a little scene at my sisters polling place because they almost had her fill out a provisional ballot. She should have been directed to the next room for her voting place, but they took the easier (lazy) route by sending her to a table a few steps away to fill out a PB. On our own we found her polling place and she voted (this was in the same building). I couldn't leave until I said something to the people who told her she wasn't registered. It felt great to speak up. I usually don't like to make waves or have all eyes on me, but this time I had to say something. Especially when I saw how unprofessional and unhelpful they were to my sister. I knew there were going to be many more confused people coming in to vote and they don't deserve to be treated this way.