When I did this (a couple nights ago) I didn't have the energy to type in any information about it. Today I've got a few minutes before we're off to the park. I also got asked by a blogger friend to write about it.
I created this on Illustrator and played with it for a couple of hours until I was happy with the composition. I usually start drawing and keep adding more of the figure if I have enough room. I've always enjoyed drawing the nude figure. If I had the space and time I would do the figure in a large scale. Working so small is beginning to feel limiting and uncomfortably contained. Break loose! Where's the free spirit!.......? Give me a 3 inch paint brush and a 10x10 foot canvas. Square.
What motivates me? Lack of time, my age, gratitude and an inner spark that never quits. I have a need to draw something everyday. When I was pregnant I could not use my hands to do anything. They were swollen and the finger tips had a burning sensation all the time. So for about six months of my pregnancy I couldn't write, draw or hold anything. It felt awful to not have the use of my hands. I am so grateful now. Never again will I take my body and my creative spirit for granted.
Enough about me. We're off to the park! It's another beautiful day. Enjoy.