Treasury West
This is a spliced screen shot of my curated space on Etsy. These are some of my favorite pieces of other sellers. I managed to get a space before all the spots were taken. This is the first Treasury that I've ever had a chance to put together. It was fun and hopefully I'll get a chance to do it again. I was lucky to click on the link before thousands of other sellers or buyers got the spot. Unfortunately it will only be up for a short time. It will end in about 20 hours of my posting this, but it was a fun and worth it. I did remember to take a screen shot to remember my few hours as a "curator" on Etsy. We aren't allowed to put our own work. Those are the rules. It's too bad because I'm trying to find ways to get more exposure. Because of limited time that I have, I'll just keep chipping at the hard rock wall of Networking and Promotion. I will not give up. There is so much to learn. 
This link will only be good for another 20 hours after my posting this. Click to see...
Etsy Treasury - Boy! George!