This is my good friend Thelma with my Itty Bitty. This picture was taken almost a year ago on her 103rd Birthday. Thelma is in a nursing home now. We went to visit her today. I am so happy to say that she's hanging in there and that she recognised us both. The last time I saw her she had a hard time remembering my name.
Thelma was always so proud to say she was born in Little Rock, Arkansas. She used to share with me so many stories of her youth and her four marriages. She outlived all of her husbands and a son.
Thelma was my sunshine when I walked around with a cloud over me for many years. Even today as she lay in her bed she put a smile on my face when she said, "I do the best I can with what I have. I just let life take its course. I can't fight it. I have no regrets. I've had a good life."
I have learned so much from her when it came to spirituality. Thelma was self educated by reading a lot of insightful books. She believes in God and not in a particular system of faith.
There was a time when I would say that Thelma was my only friend and that was enough. She just made me feel better about myself and life. life and people weren't as bad as I thought after spending an afternoon with Thelma.
I just wanted to include her in my blog because she deserves to be acknowledged for being a beautiful being in this world. I Love You Thelma!