I was looking at what I identified myself as "Artist/Homemaker" on the upper right of my blog.

Yes, when I started this blog my Toot was a baby and I had time to paint when she slept. She'll be five this month and so much has changed since then. No longer do I have an art table with fabulous light coming through the windows.
This is what my table looks like today.

It's full of toys that manage to get on my work space because I don't use it.
Whenever I want to paint I move my painting tools and papers over to the dining room table to work because it's the only room that has the best light in the house.
Today I am making our home a place to homeschool.

I've been researching everything about Homeschooling and finding support groups around our area. Also reading a great deal about homeschooling and enjoying every bit of it. Yes, I'd like to paint more regularly, but right now this is what I have to do and it's rewarding for me to see my girl learning so much. So I may have to change my title to, "Homemaker/Homeschooler/Homeartist". Like that!

I'm making up my own words here.
Look out Oxford dictionary. Do they even print the Oxford dictionary anymore?