"Apple Lotion"
My girl and I have started our class. I suppose you can call it a preschool, but I'm still with her the whole time. We go two days a week and that's plenty. There are a lot of free preschools opening up this fall, but I'm not interested in having my Toot in school five days a week. I am in no hurry to send her into the public schools. Financially we are managing just fine and I don't feel I'm missing out on any of the new phones and pads coming out every few months. As you can see I'm perfectly satisfied with my sketchbook and new markers.
I am no longer caring for my mother-in-law. Sista has come up with new
arrangements and has raised the rent another hundred dollars. We can manage and we are ready for more unexpected changes. I can handle change well, now.
I focus on NOW.