Monday, March 15, 2010

Nice Home for Worms

We've been in this house a little over a year now and we've recently been getting a taste of how expensive it is to keep up with repairs on a home, especially since it is an old house. I've been trying my best to stay optimistic and hopeful, but it does get difficult during these cold rainy days. I still love the rain, but I don't like the mold we've discovered on the north side of the house because of it. I know it's not good for us and I've been dealing with it as best I could with the information I can get off of the internet. We also have very old old old plumbing and we recently had our plumber fix a leak which made our water bill go way up for the past two payments. I've been buying water filters every two months because the water is also full of rust. The furnace is also old and we recently had some work done because we were breathing carbon monoxide. Smaller items needed to be replaced like our phone and yesterday we had to spend $100 dollars on a new modem for the computer. And to add to our major expenses - one of our cars has been consistent with unexpected car repairs. All I can say is, "We're doing the best we can with what we've got".
And our got is getting pretty slim.

My other self is thinking:

I'm ready to build my canoe and drift away from all these expenses - of course with my papoose in tow.