Monday, July 4, 2011

Time to Move On

"Fly Karma #1" digitally colored

It has finally come. The end of our time of living in this house. The house was small, but it was enough for us. It is time to look for a new home and we've got two months to find something that will work for us. I am still planning to homeschool our Toot for Kindergarten and I'm looking forward to this very much.
I am also managing to get some artwork done and having a great time with it.

"Fly Karma #2" hand colored

Time to purge the clutter that has accumulated in the two and a half years we've been living here.
This will be the easy part. The challenge will be to find a home in an affordable and nice neighborhood.
I have learned to stay in the now and do the next best thing.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What a relief!

Title: March Hare

My Toot's birthday party is done and gone! I glad that is over. Now we can get back to our projects and home schooling. I did manage to finish this little piece last month. I've also started a new one today and it's going to be a nature piece.

I've been reading this book, Radical Homemakers by Shannon Hayes. Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm so excited to be reading something that blends well with me.
It's been a great read and again it's nice to know that I'm not crazy to want to live differently. I feel I'm on my right path. Like my home schooling decision I am getting a lot of skeptical remarks from friends and family when I talk about Radical Homemakers. At this point of my life I've finally made the decision to live my life the way I want to and not how everyone expects me to live it. What a relief!

A Cheap Greenhouse

It's time to start some seedlings. Found this great video to make a small greenhouse with household items. Toot got some gardening tools for her birthday and she's ready to get some dirt on her paws. We don't have a lot of windows that get a lot of sun so I was lucky to find this great video.

Monday, March 14, 2011

This is who I Am today.

I was looking at what I identified myself as "Artist/Homemaker" on the upper right of my blog.
Yes, when I started this blog my Toot was a baby and I had time to paint when she slept. She'll be five this month and so much has changed since then. No longer do I have an art table with fabulous light coming through the windows.
This is what my table looks like today.

It's full of toys that manage to get on my work space because I don't use it.
Whenever I want to paint I move my painting tools and papers over to the dining room table to work because it's the only room that has the best light in the house.

Today I am making our home a place to homeschool.
I've been researching everything about Homeschooling and finding support groups around our area. Also reading a great deal about homeschooling and enjoying every bit of it. Yes, I'd like to paint more regularly, but right now this is what I have to do and it's rewarding for me to see my girl learning so much. So I may have to change my title to, "Homemaker/Homeschooler/Homeartist". Like that!
I'm making up my own words here.
Look out Oxford dictionary. Do they even print the Oxford dictionary anymore?